The Political Left and the End of Roe v. Wade

Taking a step back from the discourse is always a good practice – especially when emotions run high. With that in mind, The Titan, from his vantage point aloft, is strangely (and uniquely), perplexed by the reactions, arguments, memes, and protests of the American “political left” in regard to the recent high court reversal of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Note: The Titan’s comments here in this passage today are confined to the political left’s agenda to preserve the institution of abortion as a convenient means of contraception and not in regard to other considerations.

Aside from the arguments for-or-against abortion, The Titan is mainly concerned with the logical groundings and contradictory reason employed by the enemies of the conservative members of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

Therefore, without further ado, let’s unpack and deconstruct the four popular messages being deployed in social media, news outlets, and by left-wing political influencers.

The first vein of contention with rational thought can be found in the popular statements made by the political left:

“Abortion is an essential right for women’s health“.

To begin, The Titan is amused and relieved to know that with seeming alacrity, the American political left has re-discovered what constitutes a woman. While this observation may seem trite, it is far from it. Recently confirmed United States Supreme Court Justice Ketangi Brown Jackson upon being questioned during her confirmation hearing (March 2022), declared she couldn’t define what constitutes a woman because she is “not a biologist”. Clearly infected with the most virulent strain of post-modernism, Justice Jackson’s moral-relativity now extends to the most simple of physical concepts despite being clearly understood by the youngest of children. Were she a justice on the court during the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Justice Jackson would need to recused herself completely. After-all, if she can’t define what a woman is, how can she vote on any cases involving women’s issues . . . let alone the pinnacle issue of-all-time involving the “essential right for women’s health“. The final court decision would need to be 6-2 and not 6-3 at that point. . . but we all know what would actually happen.

The Titan is confused by the apparent display of hypocrisy displayed by the political left on this issue. Prior to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the hue and cry demanded compliance with new politically correct terms for women such as “birthing persons”. This was an interesting attempt by the left to allow women who think they are men to give birth to babies . . . while still portraying themselves (fraudulently) as men. As we all know, these individuals aren’t men, but are really just emotionally and mentally disfigured individuals who are . . . (trusting the science here) . . . still just women.

A rose by any other name and all . . . right?

The political left suddenly cares about “child safety”.

The Titan . . . is well . . . a Titan and is rarely confused or befuddled by much of anything. Yet, dare it be stated, his confusion has risen to high levels of concern. Recent events have been captured and aggregated into “hard hitting” memes on social media. These thoughtful memes have of course included a focus on the recent and unfortunate school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. With “never let a crisis go to waste” in mind, memes have poured forth from the political left extolling the horror of gun ownership as the real risk to the safety of children everywhere.

One such meme is posted below:

It makes The Titan wonder if Ms. Gorman’s quote is limited to just gun violence in American society or rather could also be applied to the number of unborn (and born) children who have been killed in the name of sexual convenience. The congressional policy report “The Effects of Abortion on the Black Community” (2015) documents that since the inception of Roe v. Wade in 1973, over 19 million black babies have been aborted (killed) in the United States. This number accounts for 45% of all black Americans living in the United States today (2022). It is estimated that that number of abortions in the United States is approximately 63 million since 1973. The Titan would be very curious to know what type of memes regarding child safety Ms. Gorman would produce with that knowledge.

In tandem with the above modern curiosity, several inconvenient facts emerge in the history of abortion in the United States. In 1916, Margaret Sanger opened the first ever birth control clinic in the United States – to eventually be known as “Planned Parenthood”. Sanger’s mission was not to assist “under-privileged women” but rather to serve as a means to employ her agenda. Sanger was a leading member of a social movement known as “eugenics” which promotes genetic and social purity through the elimination of “people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior”.

Prior to selling out his flock for a dollar, the “Reverend” (ahem) Jesse Jackson, realized both Sanger’s epic evil and the terrible potential of abortion to reduce the value of a person’s life in January of 1977:

“Politicians argue for abortion largely because they do not want to spend the necessary money to feed, clothe and educate more people. Here arguments for inconvenience and economic savings take precedence over arguments for human value and human life. . . Psychiatrists, social workers and doctors often argue for abortion on the basis that the child will grow up mentally and emotionally scarred. But who of us is complete? If incompleteness were the criterion for taking life, we would all be dead. If you can justify abortion on the basis of emotional incompleteness, then your logic could also lead you to killing for other forms of incompleteness — blindness, crippleness, old age.”

The Titan wonders what kind of malfunction has prompted black Americans to vote for any political candidate on the left. Considering that the left has literally been working to normalize the killing of as many “undesirable” black babies as possible, one must reach the conclusion that there are segments of the population that can’t see the forest for the trees regardless the cost or expense to the well-being of their communities.

Ultimately it seems the political left turns an ever blind eye to the fruits of their own actions and values while demanding change from everyone else.

Interestingly, this duality isn’t lost on those in the opposition as apparently, The Titan isn’t the only one to recognize hypocrisy when he sees it.

Look for yourself:

The feminist icon Gloria Steinem (clearly not very bright) has made a name for herself by extolling the virtues of abortion . . . while simultaneously stating that she wants to protect children. It’s kind of sick ya’ know. The Titan wonders how people like Steinem have the mental capacity to tie their own shoes.

Life on Mars. . .

This one is all too easy. Imagine the following:

The government launches a rocket and deploys a rover to Mars in 1947. Upon landing, the rover sniffs around a bit until one day . . . poof! It discovers a pool of primordial goo which contains a single human zygote. “Yes it’s true”, the government declares: “We finally have proof that there is LIFE on Mars! His name is David Bowie!” Okay let’s be real . . . there were no space vehicles that could make the trip to Mars in 1947. Oh, and David Bowie wasn’t from Mars either (maybe).

The truth is, The Titan thinks “Life on Mars” was a good album, but also believes Bowie was a freakazoid regardless.

Anyway, after the discovery of the zygote, the world goes crazy. Humanity finally has proof that there’s life on other planets . . . and the political left has an absolute field day. The Left can finally stick a thumb in the eye of all the Christians who still stubbornly maintain that planet Earth is the only planet capable of supporting life (because science).

Interestingly and predictably, inconvenient hypocrisy rears its ugly head yet again. “Wait!” the people ask . . . “if the discovery of a single human zygote on Mars means there’s LIFE on other planets, then what about the millions of unborn fetuses we’ve allowed to be killed on THIS planet? Weren’t THEY alive as well?”

Currently, you’re not allowed to ask this kind of question in fear that you might be labeled a racist (or something equally banal) . . . and probably lose your job.

That’s how they get you.

My body, my whatever . . .

Last but certainly not least . . .

The thing is, it’s not just this one pinhead who simultaneously believes both things (despite the glaring inconsistency). The Titan initially considered that this individual may have suffered from a lack of adequate blood flow to his melon as a result of his trendy sweater having been cinched too tightly around his neck. Alas, that is not the case. In a similar vein as Gloria Steinem, many humans seem extremely eager to publicly display their hypocrisy and virtue signalling poppycock. Light as a feather, their delicate intellects soar seriously below those of the common, yet thinking man (yes, this means both men and women). Their arrogance is outdone only by their intense and “meaningful” Twitter selfies. #ThursdayStupidity #MyBeardDoesn’tMakeMeDeep.

By the way, The Titan grants many charisma points to whomever used Photoshop to merge the two tweets above. Many points.

The reality here is that you can’t have it both ways. Or, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Or, there’s no two ways about it. Whichever.

The left REALLY wanted to exert control over people during the Covid pandemic. People lost their jobs because they didn’t comply, or wear a mask, or take the jab. Can you imagine? Again, this is how they get you. History will not be kind to the left (and hopefully nor will November, 2022).

Anyway, the same people who wanted to crush the Covid dissenter are (some of) the exact same people now calling for the government to keep its hands off “their bodies”.

The hypocrisy knows no bounds and the malfunction is real.

So says The Titan.

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